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Monday, January 10, 2011

Couponing......... are u into it??

So i was reading up on my FB page and Joy M. was talking about becoming a couponer......... well since i am so bored being snowed in, i decided to follow the link on the above (Betsy's Price is Right) blog about couponing.

On her recent trip to CVS:
"So, here's what how it all ended. The retail total was $38.63. We paid $4.63 which is a savings of 88%. I received $10 in ECB which means CVS paid me $5.37 for shopping there!" per Betsy's blog.

So who is into couponing?? Where are u finding the best coupons??


  1. thank you for stopping by my little blog. i see you're interested in making your own art prints and wanted to let you know, i was super intimidated to start doing my own, and have listed all the paper, printer etc resources i found to work on my website:

    happy creating!

  2. Thanks for the link. I am always amazed at how much money you can save with coupons!

  3. Hello......thanks for visiting and the lovely comment I am always happy to hear others enjoy what I have to show. I wanted to email you but I found that the link you have posted is not working properly and your settings have you as a "No-reply"blogger....just thought you would want to know

    Hope you will visit of luck in the draw
